Accept Jesus Now

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Accept Jesus Now.

My friend, the bible says that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. For the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ .The bible also says that if we confess our sins, God is able and just to forgive us of all of our unrighteousness.

This starts with you accepting that you have sinned and that Jesus Christ paid the punishment for your sins with his blood on the cross of Calvary. It continues with asking God for forgiveness and accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and savior. The moment you do this God will use the blood of Jesus to wipe away your sins and they will be remembered no more. you will become born again and one of God’s many children.

Make your prayer of confession/Salvation Prayer:

Father in heaven, I thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for my sins. I confess to you that I have sinned. I ask you to use the shed blood of Jesus to wash my sins. From today, Lord Jesus, I believe in you and I accept you as my personal Lord and savior. Thank you for the sacrifice you made for sins on the Cross. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. By clicking “Submit” , you will be directed to receive an automatic message from us regarding your next step in your new life as a born again Christian. Congratulations