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Saturday, July 12, 2025, 11AM. Venue (updated): the bandshell behind the Legislature Building. Church fest for worship, celebration and potluck lunches from participating churches also at the Bandshell behind the legislature building. (9515 Fortway Dr NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 2C1. Sign up here!
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Baptismal candidates to all wear non-transparent white top (wear some non-white clothing underneath), and sign up or if you are a church leader or representative, sign your church up below.
Do you want to publicly show your acceptance of faith in Jesus whether for the first time or as a decision to reconsecrate yourself to Him? If you are a church leader, do you want to give your church members the option to be water baptized publicly to set them on fire in their faith walk?
At this 3rd annual mass public baptism event organized to create a public spectacle of the acceptance of faith in Jesus Christ, you will bring your church baptismal candidates and you are free to baptize them yourself and conduct other ceremonies you would normally do within your church walls. Only that this will be done at the same time other churches and Christians are doing it in the same wading pool to create a beautiful spectacle for the glory of Jesus Christ. Sign up here! Or Sign your church up here! See details below.
Church Fest with Worship & Church Potluck Lunch
After the water immersion, baptismal candidates to dry up in the washrooms on the legislature ground. Baptismal candidates, their friends and family, their church family and the general audience may then proceed to the Bandshell at the back of the legislature building for worship led in rotation by the worship team of each participating church. Participating churches to encourage their members to do a potluck lunch in each church tent. Bring extra food for visitors and non-believers that will attend. Sign up here! Or Sign your church up here!
Contact RUWEMI Ministries by phone or text message at 587 987 3390 or send us an email at
Watch Event Video Footages for 2019
Water Baptism followed by A Church Fest–Publicly Showing
Acceptance of Faith in Jesus. venue for church fest
Join Christians of different denominations as we celebrate mass water immersion and show acceptance of faith in Jesus in the public space. July 13, 2024 at 12pm. At the Public Wading Pool in front of the Legislature Building and celebration in a church fest follows at the South ground of the building. 10800 97 Avenue Street NW T5K 2B6.
An all-church Mass Water Baptism Event
Edmonton Public Water Baptism is an all-church Mass Water Baptism Event – Water Immersion at the public wading pool in front of the legislature building. Afterwards, there will be fellowship, worship and Celebration by the Bandshell at the back of the building. Each participating church can sit together with your members while your worship team take turn to lead worship at the church fest at the Bandshell on the South ground of the legislature building.
Why Water-Baptize in the Public Space?
Jesus would have us do it to celebrate Him and show our love for one another to the unbelievers. Jesus said, “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.“(Matthew 10:32-33). Greater courage for the course of the gospel is birthed in the celebrants and participants. Blessing comes to the celebrant and their church. The church of Jesus Christ is strengthened and victorious when seen together in the public space.
What to Wear for the Celebrants
Non-transparent white gown or white shirt/blouse and /or with white pant. Wear thick inside layers. Bring a towel, extra clothes to wear after immersion as celebration follows behind the legislature building.
Members of the Public Invited to Watch
Come see a Christian spectacle, a church fest with music.
The Pastors’ and Leader’s Role
Pastors and churches, you train your new converts and prepare them for baptism in-church. You lead them, their friends and families to the legislature building where you will publicly water-immerse the new converts or believers who choose to do it again, together with other pastors in a coordinated mass water baptism. Sign your church members in at
Make Announcement in Church and to other believers
Announce to your church members and other believers. Those who want to accept the faith in Jesus may also do it same day and be baptized. RUWEMI team will be available to baptize those without an accompanying pastor or church.
Sign up at
Celebrants, their Friends, Family and Church Members
The celebrant, their friends, family, their church members and everyone will then proceed to the back of the building with their church members to be greeted with music and celebration. As was done in 2019, churches are encouraged to sign up their worship teams to lead worship. You don’t want to miss it!
Water Baptism – An Ordinance, A Christian Rite!
Baptism is an ordinance that Jesus commands all those who have been washed by His blood because they repent from sin and have made Jesus their Lord and Savior. In the act of baptism, a believer demonstrates that they have been dead with Jesus and alive with Him, makes a public confession of their faith and a resolution to follow Jesus. Mini baptismal in our churches do not create the kind of public excitement and the resolve of the baptized in the way God intends as they are done in enclosed areas.
Stay tuned for details. Sign up at
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Q: I have done it before. Can I do it again? A: You do not need to do it again. But if you feel like it to reconsecrate yourself to Jesus, you are welcome to.
- Q: Why a wading pool? Should it not be done in a flowing river? A: At RUWEMI Ministries, we believe that there is no scriptural requirement that it must be a river. Jesus was immersed in water, at the Jordan. Others like the Ethiopian Eunuch was baptized in water by Philip (Acts 8:36-38). Emphasis of all the scriptures is actual immersion in “water”. In any case, any body of water must have come from the river. We believe that the scriptures deliberately avoided the use of the word “river”, even though for instance, Jesus was baptized beyond the Jordan which must have been the river Jordan. The reason is because God does not want human tradition to stand in the way of observing this ordinance. Scripture describes that while traveling on the road, the Ethiopian Eunuch said to Philip: “look, here is water…”
In all cases, the word “water” is emphasized. Further, a common denominator to all of the cases is that they were done in the public space. We are not calling for a change in individual church doctrines. We are asking that church leaders announce and give their members the option to be baptized at this mass public baptism event and set them on fire for their faith walk. Churches will have full control over their own baptismal candidates and baptize the way they would normally do. We should not let our church doctrines stand in the way of the purpose of God for this kind of event. This location is chosen so those who are yet to make a decision to follow Jesus will see this important spectacle and potentially be encouraged to consider receiving Jesus.
- Q: Do You baptize in the name of Jesus? A: Some churches insist that baptism must be done only in the name of Jesus, because Apostle Peter mentioned it in Acts 2:38. Others maintain that it must be done in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19. Again, this event allows participating churches to conduct their water baptism in the way that suits their church doctrine and they will have a full control over their baptism on July 13. At RUWEMI Ministries, we believe that Peter used the term ” be baptised in the name of Jesus” because he was speaking to Judaists who are yet to repent and accept Jesus as the Way. He was contrasting their belief with the belief in Jesus as the new Way. This expression could also be interpreted to mean that Peter is stating that the baptism would be done by a disciple through the authority provided by Jesus and His name. We believe that in the conduct of the water baptism itself, Peter would follow Jesus’ direction to recognize Him as belonging to the Holy Trinity in Matthew 28:19, and to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
- Q: Can I repent from Sin, believe and receive Jesus into my heart and be baptized same day? A: Yes!
- Q: I don’t have a church or a pastor. Can I still be baptized? A: Yes. If you have the new birth in Jesus. That is you have repented from sin and have received Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior. We would encourage and support you to fellowship with other believers or churches where you will be nurtured to grow in your new life in Christ.
Churches that Participated in 2019:
Abundant Life Church, Berean Church of God, Gethsemane Christian Church, Jesus is Lord Church and Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG Rhema Chapel).
On Saturday, July 20, 2019, Christians publicly declared their faith in Jesus through the ordinance of water baptism on legislature grounds in Edmonton Alberta (pastors baptized their own members). Water immersion immediately followed by celebration in a church fest that included worship teams from five churches, namely, Abundant Life Church, Berean Church of God, Gethsemane Christian Church, Jesus is Lord Church and Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG Rhema Chapel). Please mark your personal and church calendar for the next event on Saturday July 13, 2024. Sign up here! or Sign your church up here!